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Parents & Students

Here you can find the company policies as well as information pertaining to costume fees and ways of payment.

Costume Fees and Payments

Performance Costume

Parents are responsible for purchasing their child's performance costume. To provide their daughter(s) with a flesh tone leotard and flesh tone convertible tights (pink tights for creative movement, ballet, and jazz classes) and to provide their son(s) with black biker shorts that can be worn underneath their costumes.



Each class is $80.00. We are accepting payments through CASH APP ($DanceHappens) and SQUARE. Please click here to pay via square

Company Policies

Dance Happens Company Policies

Being a member of the Dance Company is a privilege. All Company members will be held to the highest standards of conduct. Company members must show courtesy and respect to teachers and other students. Any student who exhibits repeated disrespectful behavior to teachers or other students will be asked to leave the dance company.

Fundraiser Policy

Dance Happens Company members are required to participate in all fundraisers. All Dance Happens classes are at a low cost. Dance Happens is not a public recreation program. Thus all monies raised through fundraising will keep the program running and ideally to expand it as well.

Attendance and Commitment Policy

  • Students are allowed six absences per dance class during the year. More than six absences from anyone dance class may be cause of removal from Dance Happens Company.

  • All modern company members are required to participate in company choreography, ballet, and modern dance/ jazz technique classes.

  • All hip-hop company members are required to participate in company choreography, hip-hop technique class, and African dance class.

  • Students must be on time for class. If your child/children are 10 minutes or more late for class, he/she will not be allowed to participate.

  • Dance Happens must be contacted in advance of impending lateness and early dismissal.

  • Students must attend all performances and mandatory rehearsals.

  • Inclement Weather

    Dance Happens follows Baltimore City Schools closing policy during inclement weather. If
    schools are closed more than one day as a result of winter or other severe weather, Dance
    Happens may resume when snow emergency plan has lifted.

    General Policies

    • No food, drink, gum allowed in dance area.

    • Classes are closed for viewing.

    • Parents and students are asked not to disrupt classes already in session.

    • Cell phone use is prohibited while class is in session.

    Class cancellation

    All classes must meet a minimum 10 participants for class to run. If the class does not meet the minimum participants the class will have to be approved by the board of directors.

    ​Rehearsal and Performance Policy
    • Extra rehearsals will be held that the regular class schedule does not permit.

    • Extra rehearsals will be called during performance time.

    • Students and parents will be notified of any additional rehearsal times at least one week prior to the date. Paula will make best efforts to schedule additional rehearsals well in advance.

    • Company members are required to participate in all performances, presentations, and auditions announced by Dance Happens.

    Evaluation/ Expectations Policy
    • Company members will be evaluated at the end of each session.

    • Company members are expected to set an example for Dance Happens dancers and continuously strive for a higher level of achievement.

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